Hope College Faculty Publications | Hope College
Journal articles, reviews, book chapters, and books written by Hope College faculty.


Submissions from 2023


Electrically-evoked Referred Sensations Induce Embodiment of Rubber Limb, Anthony Nguyen, Brooke Draggoo, Brooklyn Tobias, Payton DuBose, and Katharine Polasek

Submissions from 2022


A Many-analysts Approach to the Relation Between Religiosity and Well-being, Suzanne Hoogeveen, Alexandra Sarafoglou, Balazs Aczel, Yonathan Aditya, Alexandra J. Alayan, Peter J. Allen, Sacha Altay, Shilaan Alzahawi, Yulmaida Amir, Francis-Vincen Anthony, Obed Kwame Appiah, Quentin D. Atkinson, Adam Baimel, Merve Balkaya-Ince, Michela Balsamo, Sachin Banker, František Bartoš, Mario Becerra, Bertrand Beffara, Julia Beitner, Theiss Bendixen, Jana B. Berkessel, Renatas Berniūnas, Matthew I. Billet, Joseph Billingsley, Tiago Bortolini, Heiko Breitsohl, Amélie Bret, Faith L. Brown, Jennifer Brown, Claudia C. Brumbaugh, Jacek Buczny, Joseph Bulbulia, Saúl Caballero, Leonardo Carlucci, Cheryl L. Carmichael, Marco E. G. V. Cattaneo, Sarah J. Charles, Scott Claessens, Maxinne C. Panagopoulos, Angelo Brandelli Costa, Damien L. Crone, Stefan Czoschke, Christian Czymara, E. Damiano D'Urso, Örjan Dahlström, Anna Dalla Rosa, Henrik Danielsson, Jill De Ron, Ymkje Anna de Vries, Kristy K. Dean, Bryan J. Dik, David J. Disabato, Jaclyn K. Doherty, Tim Draws, Lucas Drouhot, Marin Dujmovic, Yarrow Dunham, Tobias Ebert, Peter A. Edelsbrunner, Anita Eerland, Christian T. Elbaek, Shole Farahmand, Hooman Farahmand, Miguel Farias, Abrey A. Feliccia, Kyle Fischer, Ronald Fischer, Donna Fisher-Thompson, Zoë Francis, Susanne Frick, Lisa K. Frisch, Diogo Geraldes, Emily Gerdin, Linda Geven, Omid Ghasemi, Erwin Gielens, Vukašin Gligorić, Kristin Hagel, Nandor Hajdu, Hannah R. Hamilton, Imaduddin Hamzah, Paul H. P. Hanel, Christopher E. Hawk, Karel K. Himawan, Benjamin C. Holding, Lina E. Homman, Moritz Ingendahl, Hilla Inkilä, Mary L. Inman, Chris-Gabriel Islam, Ozan Isler, David Izydorczyk, Bastian Jaeger, Kathryn A. Johnson, Jonathan Jong, Johannes A. Karl, Erikson Kaszubowski, Benjamin A. Katz, Lucas A. Keefer, Stijn Kelchtermans, John M. Kelly, Richard A. Klein, Bennett Kleinberg, Megan L. Knowles, Marta Kołczyńska, Dave Koller, Julia Krasko, Sarah Kritzler, Angelos-Miltiadis Krypotos, Thanos Kyritsis, Todd L. Landes, Ruben Laukenmann, Guy A. Lavender Forsyth, Aryeh Lazar, Barbara J. Lehman, Neil Levy, Ronda F. Lo, Paul Lodder, Jennifer Lorenz, Paweł Łowicki, Albert L. Ly, Esther Maassen, Gina M. Magyar-Russell, Maximilian Maier, Dylan R. Marsh, Nuria Martinez, Marcellin Martinie, Ihan Martoyo, Susan E. Mason, Anne Lundahl Mauritsen, Phil McAleer, Thomas McCauley, Michael McCullough, Ryan McKay, Camilla M. McMahon, Amelia A. McNamara, Kira K. Means, Brett Mercier, Panagiotis Mitkidis, Benoît Monin, Jordan W. Moon, David Moreau, Jonathan Morgan, James Murphy, George Muscatt, Christof Nägel, Tamás Nagy, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Gustav Nilsonne, Pamina Noack, Ara Norenzayan, Michèle B. Nuijten, Anton Olsson-Collentine, Lluis Oviedo, Yuri G. Pavlov, James O. Pawelski, Hannah I. Pearson, Hugo Pedder, Hannah K. Peetz, Michael Pinus, Steven Pirutinsky, Vince Polito, Michaela Porubanova, Michael J. Poulin, Jason M. Prenoveau, Mark A. Prince, John Protzko, Campbell Pryor, Benjamin G. Purzycki, Lin Qiu, Julian Quevedo Pütter, André Rabelo, Milen L. Radell, Jonathan E. Ramsay, Graham Reid, Andrew J. Roberts, Lindsey M. Root Luna, Robert M. Ross, Piotr Roszak, Nirmal Roy, Suvi-Maria K. Saarelainen, Joni Y. Sasaki, Catherine Schaumans, Bruno Schivinski, Marcel C. Schmitt, Sarah A. Schnitker, Martin Schnuerch, Marcel R. Schreiner, Victoria Schüttengruber, Simone Sebben, Suzanne C. Segerstrom, Berenika Seryczyńska, Uffe Shjoedt, Müge Simsek, Willem W. A. Sleegers, Eliot R. Smith, Walter J. Sowden, Marion Späth, Christoph Spörlein, William Stedden, Andrea H. Stoevenbelt, Simon Stuber, Justin Sulik, Christiany Suwartono, Stylianos Syropoulos, Barnabas Szaszi, Peter Szecsi, Ben M. Tappin, Louis Tay, Robert T. Thibault, Burt Thompson, Christian M. Thurn, Josefa Torralba, Shelby D. Tuthill, Ann-Marie Ullein, Robbie C. M. Van Aert, Marcel A. L. M. van Assen, Patty Van Cappellen, Olmo R. van den Akker, Ine Van der Cruyssen, Jolanda Van der Noll, Noah N. N. van Dongen, Caspar J. Van Lissa, Valerie van Mulukom, Don van Ravenzwaaij, Casper J. J. van Zyl, Leigh Ann Vaughn, Bojana Većkalov, Bruno Verschuere, Michelangelo Vianello, Felipe Vilanova, Allon Vishkin, Vera Vogel, Leonie V. D. E. Vogelsmeier, Shoko Watanabe, Cindel J. M. White, Kristina Wiebels, Sera Wiechert, Zachary Z. Willett, Maciej Witkowiak, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Dylan Wiwad, Robin Wuyts, Dimitris Xygalatas, Xin Yang, Darren J. Yeo, Onurcan Yilmaz, Natalia Zarzeczna, Yitong Zhao, Josjan Zijlmans, Michiel van Elk, and Eric-Jan Wagenmakers


Accountability and Autonomy, Motivation, and Psychiatric Treatment, John R. Peteet, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, and C. Stephen Evans


Accountability as a Key Virtue in Mental Health and Human Flourishing, John R. Peteet, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, and C. Stephen Evans


Accountability: Construct Definition and Measurement of a Virtue Vital to Flourishing, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Sung Joon Jang, Byron R. Johnson, C. Stephen Evans, Jack W. Berry, Joseph Leman, Robert C. Roberts, John Peteet, Andrew B. Torrance, and Ashley N. Hayden


The Eschatological Hope Scale: Construct Development and Measurement of Theistic Eschatological Hope, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall, Julie J. Exline, David C. Wang, Lindsey M. Root Luna, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, David G. Myers, Alexis D. Abernethy, and John D. Witvliet

Submissions from 2021


The Benefit of Gratitude: Trait Gratitude Is Associated With Effective Economic Decision-Making in the Ultimatum Game, Gewnhi Park, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Jorge A. Barraza, and Benjamin U. Marsh

Submissions from 2020


Hydrogen Peroxide Triggers an Increase in Cell Surface Expression of System xc in Cultured Human Glioma Cells, Leah A. Chase, Mary VerHeulen Kleyn, NaTasha Schiller, Abby Goltz King, Guillermo Flores, Sasha Balcazar Engelsman, Christina Bowles, Sara Lang Smith, Anne E. Robinson, and Jeffrey Rothstein


Developing Outreach Events That Impact Underrepresented Students: Are We Doing It Right?, Andrew J. Gall, Peter J. Vollbrecht, and Tristan Tobias


Conceptualizing Spirituality and Religion as Psychological Processes: Validation of the Factor Structure of the BMMRS, Brick Johnstone, Patricia Bruininks, Erin I. Smith, Dong Pil Yoon, Daniel Cohen, Laird Edman, Joseph Bankard, and Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet


Lightning Strikes the Axis: Century Storm Boats During World War II, Geoffrey Reynolds


Building Digital Libraries: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians, 2nd ed. By Kyle Banerjee and Terry Reese Jr. [Review], Geoffrey D. Reynolds


"For Pleasant & Restful Recreation": The Foster Boat Company, Geoffrey D. Reynolds


Apology and Restitution: The Psychophysiology of Forgiveness After Accountable Relational Repair Responses, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Lindsey M. Root Luna, Everett L. Worthington Jr., and Jo-Ann Tsang


A Transcriptional Regulatory System of the S. cerevisiae OLE1 Gene Responds to Fatty Acid Species and Intracellular Amount, and not Simply Membrane Status, Marshall Willey, Matthew Ochs, Clara Schriemer, and Virginia McDonough

Submissions from 2019


Modelos Pedagógicos y Metodológicos para los Estudios de Género en Clases de Pregrado, María Claudia André


Cross-linked Poly(4-vinylpyridine-N-oxide) as a Polymer-supported Oxygen Atom Transfer Reagent, Anna M. Bauer, Erin E. Ramey, Kjersti G. Oberle, Gretchen A. Fata, Chloe D. Hutchison, and Christopher R. Turlington


Worldview Conflict in Daily Life, Mark J. Brandt, Jarret T. Crawford, and Daryl R. VanTongeren


Steadfast Standards or Fluctuating Fancies? Stability and Change in People’s Mate Criteria Over 27 Months, Carrie A. Bredow and Nicole Hames


Two-pebbling and Odd-two-pebbling are Not Equivalent, Charles A. Cusack, Airat Bekmetjev, and Mark Powers


Graph Pebbling Algorithms and Lemke Graphs, Charles A. Cusack, Aaron Green, Airat Bekmetjev, and Mark Powers


Why You Should Consider Going to Non-Library Conferences, Michael DeNotto


β-decay Half-lives of Neutron-rich Nuclides in the A = 100 – 110 Mass Region, A. C. Dombos, A. Spyrou, F. Naqvi, S. J. Quinn, S. N. Liddick, A. Algora, T. Baumann, J. Brett, B. P. Crider, P. A. DeYoung, T. Ginter, J. Gombas, E. Kwan, S. Lyons, W.-J. Ong, A. Palmisano, J. Pereira, C. J. Prokop, D. P. Scriven, A. Simon, M. K. Smith, and C. S. Sumithrarachchi


The Effects of Ambient Temperature and Lighting Intensity on Wheel-running Behavior in a Diurnal Rodent, the Nile Grass Rat (Arvicanthis niloticus), Garrett M. Fogo, Alyssa M. Goodwin, Ohanes S. Khacherian, Brandi J. Ledbetter, and Andrew J. Gall


Melanopsin-Containing ipRGCs Are Resistant to Excitotoxic Injury and Maintain Functional Non-Image Forming Behaviors After Insult in a Diurnal Rodent Model, Garrett M. Fogo, Dorela D. Shuboni-Mulligan, and Andrew J. Gall


Superior Colliculus Lesions Lead to Disrupted Responses to Light in Diurnal Grass Rats (Arvicanthis niloticus), Andrew J. Gall, Alyssa M. Goodwin, Ohanes S. Khacherian, and Laura B. Teal


Impact of Donor Milk on Short- and Long-Term Growth of Very Low Birth Weight Infants, Rebecca Hoban, Michael E. Schoeny, Anita Esquerra-Zwiers, Tanyaporn K. Kaenkumchorn, Gina Casini, Grace Tobin, Alan H. Siegel, Kousiki Patra, Matthew Hamilton, Jennifer Wicks, Paula Meier, and Aloka L. Patel


Reactions at Noble Metal Contacts with Methylammonium Lead Triiodide Perovskites: Role of Underpotential Deposition and Electrochemistry, Ross A. Kerner, Philip Schulz, Jeffrey A. Christians, Sean P. Dunfield, Benjia Dou, Lianfeng Zhao, Glenn Teeter, Joseph J. Berry, and Barry P. Rand


Allopatric Speciation in Asia Contributed to the Diversity Anomaly between Eastern Asia and Eastern North America: Evidence from Anchored Phylogenomics of Stewartia (Theaceae), Jianhua Li, Peter Del Tredici, Alan R. Lemmon, Emily Moriarty Lemmon, Yunpeng Zhao, and Chengxin Fu


Zheng He and the American Liberal Arts Education: Contexts and Complications, Marla Lunderberg


Enhanced Memory for Fair-Related Faces and the Role of Trait Anxiety, Gewnhi Park, Benjamin U. Marsh, and Elisha J. Johnson


Bio-inspired Sensing and Actuating Architectures for Feedback Control of Civil Structures, Courtney A. Peckens, I. Cook, and C. Fogg


Comparison of Charge Storage Properties of Prussian Blue Analogues Containing Cobalt and Copper, Amanda Rensmo and Jennifer R. Hampton


Keep 'Em Fighting: Chris-Craft's Contribution to WWII, Geoffrey D. Reynolds


Doping Strategies for Small Molecule Organic Hole-transport Materials: Impacts on Perovskite Solar Cell Performance and Stability, Tracy H. Schloemer, Jeffrey A. Christians, Joseph M. Luther, and Alan Sellinger


Functional and Anatomical Variations in Retinorecipient Brain Areas in Arvicanthis niloticus and Rattus norvegicus: Implications for the Circadian and Masking Systems, Dorela D. Shuboni-Mulligan, Breyanna L. Cavanaugh, Anne Tonson, Erik M. Shapiro, and Andrew J. Gall


Tuned Photomechanical Switching of Laterally Constrained Arches, Matthew L. Smith, J Gao, A A. Skandani, N Deering, D H. Wang, A A. Sicard, M Plaver, L-S Tan, T J. White, and M R. Shankar


Substrate-Dependent Photoconductivity Dynamics in a High-Efficiency Hybrid Perovskite Alloy, Ali Moeed Tirmzi, Jeffrey A. Christians, Ryan P. Dwyer, David T. Moore, and John A. Marohn


Let it Rest: Sleep and Health as Positive Correlates of Forgiveness of Others and Self-forgiveness, Loren Toussaint, Andrew J. Gall, Alyssa Cheadle, and David R. Williams


An Effective Model for Engaging Faculty and Undergraduate Students in Neuroscience Outreach with Middle Schoolers, Peter J. Vollbrecht, Riley S. Frenette, and Andrew J. Gall


Experimental and Computational Electrochemistry of Quinazolinespirohexadienone Molecular Switches – Differential Electrochromic vs Photochromic Behavior, Eric W. Webb, Jonathan P. Moerdyk, Kyndra B. Sluiter, Benjamin J. Pollock, Amy L. Speelman, Eugene J. Lynch, William F. Polik, and Jason G. Gillmore

Host Lipids in Positive-Strand RNA Virus Genome Replication, Zhenlu Zhang, Guijuan He, Natalie A. Filipowicz, Glenn Randall, George A. Belov, Benjamin G. Kopek, and Xiafeng Wang


Host Lipids in Positive-Strand RNA Virus Genome Replication, Zhenlu Zhang, Guijuan He, Natalie A. Filipowicz, Glenn Randall, George A. Belov, Benjamin G. Kopek, and Xiaofeng Wang

Submissions from 2018


Understanding the Role of Religious Comfort and Strain on Depressive Symptoms in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting, Alexis D. Abernethy, Joseph M. Currier, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Sarah A. Schnitker, Katharine M. Putman, Lindsey M. Root Luna, Joshua D. Foster, Andrene Spencer, Heather Jones, Karl VanHarn, and Janet Carter


Game Spirituality: How Games Tell Us More than We Might Think, Chad Carlson


Synthesis of 5,6-Diaminoacenaphthylene by Reduction of Sterically Crowded Nitro Groups with Sodium Dithionite, Amber J. Dood, Patrick A. Fisher, Christine L. Bodden, Luke J. Peterson, Kathryn A. Lindberg, Trevor A. Coeling, Douglas C. Yarbrough, and Jason G. Gillmore


Smart Sentencing Guidelines: The Effect of Marginal Policy Changes on Recidivism, Sarah M. Estelle and David C. Phillips


Influence of Physicians’ Beliefs on Propensity to Include Religion/Spirituality in Patient Interactions, Aaron B. Franzen


A Model of Motor and Sensory Axon Activation in the Median Nerve Using Surface Electrical Stimulation, Jessica L. Gaines, Kathleen E. Finn, Julia P. Slopsema, Lane A. Heyboer, and Katharine H. Polasek


Copyright and Fair Use for Graduating Studio Art Majors, Jessica Hronchek


Wireless Sensor Networks for Long-Term Monitoring of Urban Noise, Courtney Peckens, Cédric Porter, and Taylor Rink


Natural Sensations Evoked in Distal Extremities Using Surface Electrical Stimulation, Julia P. Slopsema, John M. Boss, Lane A. Heyboer, Carson M. Tobias, Brooke P. Draggoo, Kathleen E. Finn, Payton J. Hoff, and Katharine H. Polasek


Gratitude Predicts Hope and Happiness: A Two-study Assessment of Traits and States, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, Fallon J. Richie, Lindsey M. Root Luna, and Daryl R. Van Tongeren


Book Review: Street Style in America: An Exploration, Todd J. Wiebe

Submissions from 2017


We’ll Never Be Royals, but That Doesn’t Matter, Art Carden, Sarah Estelle, and Anne Bradley


It's More Than Self-Presentation: MUM Effects Can Reflect Private Discomfort and Concern for the Recipient, Jayson L. Dibble


Before Breaking Bad News: Relationships Among Topic, Reasons for Sharing, Messenger Concerns, and the Reluctance to Share the News, Jayson L. Dibble and William F. Sharkey


Patient or Physician Centered Care?: Structural Implications for Clinical Interactions and the Overlooked Patient, Aaron B. Franzen


Physicians' Moral Dispositions, Role Perceptions, and Patient Interactions: Exploratory Findings from Physicians in the Midwestern United States, Aaron B. Franzen


A Longitudinal Study of Resident Emotional Stability, Self-Reported Health and Perceptions of Programmatic Support, Aaron B. Franzen and Benjamin R. Doolittle


Normal Behavioral Responses to Light and Darkness and the Pupillary Light Reflex are Dependent Upon the Olivary Pretectal Nucleus in the Diurnal Nile Grass Rat, Andrew J. Gall, Ohanes S. Khacherian, Brandi Ledbetter, Sean P. Deats, Megan Luck, Laura Smale, Lily Yan, and Antonio A. Nunez


Conquering Worrisome Word Problems – Algebra Success, Vicki-Lynn Holmes, Karla Spence, Jane Finn, Shelia McGee Ingram, and Libbey Horton


Undergraduate Research Assistants at Hope College, Jessica Hronchek and Rachel Bishop


Relaxation of Microwave Nonlinearity in a Cuprate Superconducting Resonator, Richard A. Huizen, Sean L. Hamilton, Geoffrey T. Lenters, and Stephen K. Remillard


Body Esteem and Appearance-Based Self-Worth: A Test of Religious Moderators in Men and Women, Mary Inman and Charlotte VanOyen Witvliet


Epistemological Matters Matter for Theological Understanding, Joseph F. LaPorte


SIEFAR Société Internationale pour l’Etude des Femmes de l’Ancien Régime [International Society for the Study of Women of the Ancien Régime] http://siefar.org/en/, Anne R. Larsen


Virtue, Positive Psychology, and Religion: Consideration of an Overarching Virtue and an Underpinning Mechanism, Lindsey M. Root Luna, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, and Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet


Stress Buffer or Identity Threat?: Negative Media Portrayal, Public and Private Religious Involvement, and Mental Health in a National Sample of US Adults, Samuel Stroope, Mark H. Walker, and Aaron B. Franzen


Improving student assessments of elections: the use of information literacy and a course-embedded librarian, Todd J. Wiebe and Paula Booke


Homogenization Techniques for Population Dynamics in Strongly Heterogeneous Landscapes, Brian P. Yurk and Christina A. Cobbold

Submissions from 2016


Positive Reappraisals After an Offense: Event-related Potentials and Emotional Effects of Benefit-finding and Compassion, Justin C. Baker, John K. Williams, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, and Peter C. Hill


Relational Spirituality and Forgiveness of Offenses Committed by Religious Leaders, Elise Choe, Don E. Davis, Stacey E. McElroy, Charles Westbrook, Marieke van Nuenen, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, and Joshua N. Hook


Self-forgiveness and Forgiveness-seeking in Response to Rumination: Cardiac and Emotional Responses of Transgressors, Sérgio P. da Silva, Charlotte vanOyen-Witvliet, and Blake Riek


Decarbonylative Cross Coupling of Phthalimides with Diorganozinc Reagents—Efforts Toward Catalysis, Kimberly S. DeGlopper, Sarah K. Fodor, Thomas BD Endean, and Jeffrey B. Johnson


Is This Relevant? Physician Perceptions, Clinical Relevance, and Religious Content in Clinical Interactions, Aaron B. Franzen


Suprachiasmatic Nucleus and Subparaventricular Zone Lesions Disrupt Circadian Rhythmicity but Not Light-Induced Masking Behavior in Nile Grass Rats, Andrew J. Gall, Dorela D. Shuboni, Lily Yan, Antonio A. Nunez, and Laura Smale


Physical and electrochemical area determination of electrodeposited Ni, Co, and NiCo thin films, Matthew Gira, Kevin Tkacz, and Jennifer R. Hampton


Scavenging for Research Ingredients, Jessica Hronchek


Religious-body Affirmations Protect Body Esteem for Women Who Base Self-worth on Appearance or Others’ Approval, Mary Inman, Anna Snyder, and Kelvin Peprah


On the Perceived Intentionality of Self-Enhancement, Marc-Andre K. Lafreniere, Constantine Sedikides, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, and Jody Davis


The Prominence of Affect in Creativity: Expanding the Conception of Creativity in Mathematical Problem Solving, Eric L. Mann, Scott A. Chamberlin, and Amy K. Graefe


Engineering Design and Gifted Pedagogy, Eric L. Mann and Rebecca L. Mann


Dealloying Behavior of NiCo and NiCoCu Thin Films, Benjamin Peecher and Jennifer R. Hampton


From Anthropophagy to Allegory and back: A Study of Classical Myth and the Brazilian Novel, Patrice Rankine


In Their Own Language: Toward a Receptive Ecumenism in Christian Higher Education, Richard Ray


From Woods to Water: Reviving a G-W Invader, Geoffrey D. Reynolds


Plastic Fantastic: The Fiberglass Boatbuilding Industry in Holland, Michigan, Geoffrey D. Reynolds


The Contribution of the Pineal Gland on Daily Rhythms and Masking in Diurnal Grass Rats, Arvicanthis niloticus, Dorela D. Shuboni, Amna A. Agha, Thomas K. H. Groves, and Andrew J. Gall


Magazine influence on body dissatisfaction: Fashion vs. health?, Paulina Swiatkowski


Understanding Firewalld in Multi-Zone Configurations, Nathan R. Vance and William F. Polik


BYOC: Build Your Own Cluster, Part I - Design, Nathan R. Vance, Michael L. Poublon, and William F. Polik


BYOC: Build Your Own Cluster, Part III - Configuration, Nathan R. Vance, Michael L. Poublon, and William F. Polik


BYOC: Build Your Own Cluster, Part II - Installation, Nathan R. Vance, Michael L. Poublon, and William F. Polik


Humility attenuates negative attitudes and behaviors toward religious out-group members, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, Joshua Stafford, Joshua N. Hook, Jeffrey Green, Don E. Davis, and Kathryn A. Johnson


Book Review: Encyclopedia of Constitutional Amendments, Proposed Amendments, and Amending Issues, 1979–2015, Todd J. Wiebe


Book Review: The Central Intelligence Agency: An Encyclopedia of Covert Ops, Intelligence Gathering, and Spies, Todd J. Wiebe


The Information Literacy Imperative in Higher Education, Todd J. Wiebe


The library and undergraduate research in the liberal arts: Present contributions and future opportunities, Todd J. Wiebe


Releasing Your Inner Howler Monkey: Making the Transition into College, Angela Yetzke