Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."
Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, offered the opening prayer, and served as the clerk, friends of Abraham Krabshuis presented a letter protesting the laxity of the consistory. The writers, J. Hogenhorst and J. Piljzer, have been barred from the Lord's table because of their bitter spirit. They have requested transfer of membership to the Scottish church. Van Raalte suggested that two extensions be built for the Lord's table in the new church. After some discussion about the salvation of children dying in infancy, the meeting was closed with prayer by Broek.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, Deacon te Roller was charged to get the monies of the Collegiate Church exchanged in Chicago. Mrs. Boeve was now in a humble mood and permitted to make a public confession. Three consistory members were charged with arranging the digging of the basement of the new church.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus presided and served as clerk, Elder Appeldoorn reported that a member of the church, Mrs. Boeve, had served hard liquor to young people in her home upon the occasion of the birthday of one of her children. She would not accept the admonition of the consistory about this matter. The consistory will continue to work with her and hope that it would not have to excommunicate her.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
Minutes of the meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided. The pastor reported that he called on the Hoogenhorsts and thought that their attitude had improved.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, it was decided to take an offering for the New Brunswick Seminary for the purpose of furnishings. [Hertzog Hall was constructed this year.] The pastor would travel to Utica, New York, to attend the meeting of the General Synod. Rev. John Van Vleck, principal of the Holland Academy, would be invited to preach in his absence but in the Dutch language.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, the major item of discussion was the "necessity of encouraging the congregation to more seriously utilize family worship in a fruitful fashion, and to study our creedal confessions."
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, Van Raalte pointed out the necessity of attending district school meetings; if not, "...matters will be decided by non-Christians." V.R. also mentioned that he was experiencing difficulties because he was not receiving regular salary payments. He also made a brief report on his trip to Pella but did not give any details.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van RaaIte presided and also served as clerk, several items were taken care of. A woman member of the congregation had again fallen into drunkenness. She is to be informed that she must confess her sin publicly or she will be publicly censured.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a consistory meeting of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, the major discussion centered on Van Raalte's call to the newly formed First Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa. The matter was so important that it was to be brought to the attention of the congregation. V.R. saw the urgent need in Pella but also the necessity to remain in the Holland Colony for various reasons enumerated in the minutes.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, Van Raalte reported that the district school now has 220 children. He proposes that the congregation establish a Christian parochial school to "provide a good Christian influence." Education for girls has been neglected. The school would be funded by the congregation and a moderate tuition charge. The consistory approved of the idea unanimously.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and for which he served as clerk, a Mr. Drost was admonished to discontinue his begging. The deacons were to investigate to determine what his financial needs were. The congregation approved the parochial school and on the first Sunday of the month, a collection would be taken for the school. Elder Labots reported that a Schrotenboer gave occasion for critics to speak "evil of the pastor." Four elders were appointed to meet with the Graafschap congregation to discuss the matter.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raatle presided and also served as clerk, some matters of business were taken care of such as receiving new members, bidding on open places in the pews, and refusal of Tamme Woltmans who wants his child baptized but refuses to make profession of faith. Only two elders and three deacons were in attendance.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, Abraham's Krabshuis' excuse for missing the previous meeting due to a cold was not accepted. Several disciplinary cases were discussed. B. Ploeg and Js. Van de Luyster will be presented as nominees to the congregation for elder, one of whom will be elected. The building committee was urged to continue its work. The bell ringer was given a raise of $5 for the year.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, the major item of discussion was a letter from the Zeeland consistory containing objections against C. Doesburg. Doesburg was requested to refrain from coming to the Lord's table and bring satisfaction to Zeeland. The minutes do not mention what the objection was.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided at the meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Ploeg was welcomed as the new member of the consistory. The contract was signed for the new furnace at a cost of $250.00. A collection for the needy and orphans would be taken next Sunday. There will be a yearly collection for the Board of Education in June.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, more discussion was held about the rental of pews, several new members were received, and the pastor reported that his upcoming trip to Pella, Iowa, would take some time because of its "weighty significance." Catchism classes were assigned to Ploeg who would receive a stipend for that work and the elders were to arrange for pulpit supply. [During this trip to Pella, he may have organized members of Scholte's church into the First Reformed Church of Pella.]
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
Although no day was given on which this meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church was held, it was an important meeting. Revs. H. G. Klein and Cornelius Vander Meulen were present as well as Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte who presided. Pastor Van Raalte announced that the congregation received a gift of $1,000.00 from the Collegiate Church of New York City for the completion of the building. A member protested the nomination of Ploeg for elder but the consistory refused to accept the objection. Abraham Krabshuis and his wife notified the consistory that they were rejecting all ecclesiastical fellowship. Krabshuis charged the consistory as being indifferent to doctrinal truths such as justification by faith. The pastor's sermons always lacked something. In addition, Krabshuis felt he was being persecuted at consistory meetings. His resignation was accepted after considerable discussion.
Meeting Notes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
Minutes of a brief meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Nella Kennedy
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, the major issue was Van Raalte's call to Pella, Iowa. The minutes include V.R.'s letter to the consistory of the First Reformed Church in which he outlines his educational concerns relating to the Holland Academy. The letter is a crucial document indicating V.R.'s ideas.
Bible Lecture on Genesis
A. C. Van Raalte and Nella Kennedy
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte prepared a message on Genesis 3:16 on this date in his series of lectures on Genesis.
Bible Lesson Prepared by A. C. Van Raalte
A. C. Van Raalte and Nella Kennedy
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presented a Bible lesson to his congregation presumably on this date. The lesson was on Genesis 3:7. He gave the lesson also in Overisel on 25 February.
Bible Lesson Prepared by A. C. Van Raalte
A. C. Van Raalte and Nella Kennedy
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte continued his lectures on Genesis. This lesson in on Genesis 3:11. The message is entitles the 10th Bible reading.
Bible Lesson Prepared by A. C. Van Raalte
A. C. Van Raalte and Nella Kennedy
A series of Bible lessons, prepared by Albertus C. Van Raalte on this date as well as February 25, February 27, and March 12. The first lesson extant is numbered eight and is on Gen. 3.1-5. no. 9 on Genesis 3.7, no. 10 on Gen. 3.11 and no. 11 on Gen. 3.16.
Announcement Published in De Hollander
A. C. Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
In an announcement which was published in De Hollander on this date, Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte reported that he had received from an anonymous donor a gift of $3.00. One dollar was designated for the education of young men going into the ministry, one dollar for domestic missions and one dollar for foreign missions.
Announcement Published in De Hollander
A. C. Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, as clerk of the Holland Classis, placed an announcement in De Hollander on this date that the next classis meeting would be held in the Zeeland church on the 2nd of April. Rev. Cornelius Vander Meulen would deliver the sermon. Consistories must present their statistical reports and to take offerings for needy Netherlanders who wish to emigrate to America. March 27 is the day of prayer for crops.