Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."
Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.
Letter to the Editor in De Hollander
A. C. Van Raalte, Henry ten Hoor, and Cornelia B. Kennedy
Rev. Albertus Van Raalte wrote a letter on this date to the editor of De Hollander, published on 16 July, that a minister in the Netherlands has grossly misrepresented the significance of the Separatist church in the Netherlands. V.R. reminded this minister that the Separatist church now numbers at least 50,000 communicants and even though still hated by many in the populace is very influential in the country.
Message from A. C. Van Raalte, Clerk of the Classis of Holland, to the Professors of the Theological School in Kampen
A. C. Van Raalte, Henry ten Hoor, and Nella Kennedy
A message from A. C. Van Raalte, Clerk of the Holland Classis, to the Professors of the Theological School in Kampen, the Netherlands, to send the churches in the Colony a supply of materials for catechism.
A Letter of A. C. V. R. to "The Brethren" Published in De Grondwet Within an Article
A. C. Van Raalte and Gerrit Van Schelven
A letter of A.C.V.R. to the Brethren- about raising funds for the academy building and promoting the academy. He is using the call from the Pella congregation as an instrument to gain support for the academy. The letter is part of the article written by Gerrit Van Schelven and published in De Grondwet on August 6, 1912, under the title, "Van Vleck Hall."
Meeting Notes for the Congregational Meeting of the First Reformed Church
Albertus C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a congregational meeting of the First Reformed Church attended by the consistory and the male members and at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, V.R. reported on the giving to benevolent causes. All the giving to causes were below $100 with the exception of $780 for the collection for the poor and $600 for the building fund. There were several large gifts but there was evidence that many members were "neglecting their responsibilities." V.R. read the letter he had written to the consistory. Many in the congregation desired he decline the call. "The congregation was ready to grant him unrestricted permission to assist the congregation there and, at the same time, he would continue to work for the erection of the necessary academic buildings [of the Holland Academy]." A large majority approved this action.
A Letter of John Van Vleck to A. C. V. R.
John Van Vleck
A letter of John Van Vleck to A.C.V.R. Van Vleck purchased some textbooks for the academy and is raising funds for the academy. He hoped to contact [James A. H.] Cornell; he has been in contact with Rev. Garretson of the board. He bargained a bit with A.C.V.R. telling him that he, Van Vleck, had a job offer in New Jersey for a salary of $1200 to $1500 plus a rent-free home. Therefore, he would like as raise of $100, asking for $900 instead of getting $800.
The "Traveling & Begging Guide" Prepared for A. C. Van Raalte
John Van Vleck
The "Traveling & Begging Guide" prepared for A. C. Van Raalte when he went on a fund raising trip to New York and New Jersey for the Academy building, later called Van Vleck Hall. He is given clear directions as to where he must travel and whom he should visit. The writer of the guide is not identified. However, judging from a September 1, 1856, letter of John Van Vleck to A.C.V.R., the handwriting of Van Vleck is very similar to the handwriting of this document. A letter of introduction to prospective donors by Dr. Thomas De Witt is appended to the traveling guide.
An Indenture Stating that A. C. V. R. Paid $922.94 to the Heirs of Nathaniel Silsbee and Others in Massachusetts for 260.97 Acres
An indenture stating that A.C.V.R. paid $922.94 to the heirs of Nathaniel Silsbee and others in Massachusetts for 260.97 acres along with a statement by an Endicott of Massachusetts regarding the transaction.
A Report in the Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church, Presented to the General Synod
A report in the twenty-third annual report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church, presented to the General Synod on this date, concerning the "Mission at Holland, Ottaway [sic] County, Michigan," p. 19. The purpose of the mission was to provide English preaching in the Colony. The mission eventually organized at the Second or Hope Reformed Church.
The Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church: Presented to the General Synod at Their Annual Meeting in New-Brunswick, N. J., June 6, 1855.
The Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church: presented to the General Synod at their annual meeting in New-Brunswick, N. J., June 6, 1855. Items of interest: p. 10: several churches in the Classis of Holland received grants of $50. The Holland Church, Rev. Van Raalte pastor, received seventeen members on confession and twenty-five on certificate. p. 31: Van Raalte's Church consists of 151 families and the congregation contributed $8.00 to the board. pp. 90-92: A full report by the Rev. A. C. Van Raalte, pastor of the Church of Holland, Ottawa Co., Michigan, on the state of the Holland church. The congregation is building a new church. "The pastor personally catechises the children." The pastor with his elders have made between 300 and 400 family visits. Benevolent giving is reported. Economic conditions during the past year were very bad yet the people gave generously out of their poverty. "...It is a peace loving church."
Rev. Seine Bolks, President, and E. B. E. Janssen, Clerk, of the Classis of Wisconsin, Reported to the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church
S. Bolks, E.B. E. Janssen, and Nella Kennedy
Rev. Seine Bolks, president, and E. B. E. Janssen, clerk, of the Classis of Wisconsin, reported to the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church that the Reformed churches in the state have "banded together to form a Classis."The classis now seeks recognition from the synod. Rev. Martin A. Ypma and Elder G. Brand were elected as delegates to the meeting of the General Synod.
Congregational Meeting Minutes of the First Reformed Church
William Buursma
At the congregational meeting of the First Reformed Church, the election of elders and deacons took place. The voting results for elder were: T. Keppel, 50 votes; A. Krabshuis, 40 votes; Kroes, 17 votes, and J. van de Luijster, 27 votes. For deacon: D. te Roller, 52 votes; R. Schilleman, 31 votes; P. de Vries, 32 votes, Kroes, 23 votes; J. van de Luijster, 15 votes; and J. van Dijk, 33 votes. [I assume that Keppel and Krabshuis were elected elders and te Roller, de Vries, and van Dijk, deacons.] The minutes were not signed.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
William Buursma
Only Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, elders Apeldoorn and Jonker, and deacons G. W. Wilterdink and Keppel were present at this meeting of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church. Several problems again confronted the Consistory. Van der Lijster urged the canceling of the installation of the elected elders. Van Raalte announced that the Consistory will meet the Monday before the next Classis meeting to give everyone the opportunity to present their objections.
News Note in De Hollander
H. Doesburg
A news note in De Hollander gave a full report on all the local businesses in the city of Holland. The editor, H. Doesburg, is very pleased with the progress of the local businesses.
Report in De Hollander
H. Doesburg
The editor of De Hollander, H. Doesburg, reported on the increase of trade in the city. "We have a respectable fleet engaged in the Lake trade, and we think our vessels have proved as profitable as any of those navigating Lake Michigan."
Letter from Philip Hoedmaker to A. C. Van Raalte
Philip Hoedmaker and Simone Kennedy
A letter from Philip Hoedemaker, a student at Rutgers College, New Brunswick, New Jersey, to the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, in which he reports on student life at the college. He indicates that several students do not have good study habits. His funds are very low and he has debts of $50. Other students from the Colony at Rutgers are Jacob Vander Meulen, son of the Rev. Cornelius Vander Meulen, and Christiaan Vander Veen. Hoedemaker did not go into the ministry of the Dutch Reformed Church, returning instead to the Netherlands where he became eventually a professor of theology at the University of Utrecht and a noted writer.
Letter from Whitney Jones to A. C. Van Raalte
Whitney Jones
A letter from Whitney Jones, Auditor General, State of Michigan, to the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, about an inquiry Van Raalte made about tax claims on some of his pieces of property in the City of Holland.
News Note in De Hollander
Simone Kennedy
A news note in De Hollander gave a report on Dutch immigrants in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, area. The immigrant whose letter was quoted said that he had planned to join the Van Raalte colony but decided to stay in Wisconsin.
Selections from Book, Entitled, MENTOR: De Getrouwe Leidsman En Raadgever Voor Landverhuizers, Die Naar Noord-Amerika Willen Vertrekken by M. D. Teenstra, Published by J. Oomkens & Zoon, 1855.
M. D. Teenstra and Henry ten Hoor
Selections from book, entitled, MENTOR: de Getrouwe Leidsman en Raadgever 11007' Landverhuizers, die naar Noord-Amerika Willen Vertrekken by M. D. Teenstra, published by J. Oomkens & Zoon, 1855. Pages excerpted are 166-71, 278-79, 284-87, 298-01, and 304-09. In these pages, several settlements are mentioned such as Holland, Michigan, and Albertus C. Van Raalte is mentioned on page 299. These are mainly first hand reports of Netherlanders who emigrated to America and are very happy that they did so.
A Report of the Election Results Appeared in De Hollander
Henry ten Hoor
A report of the election results of the 2 April election appeared in this issue of De Hollander, page 2, column 3. The persons elected are Henry D. Post for supervisor, Hermanus Doesburg for town clerk, Hendrik van Eijk for treasurer, Albertus C. Van Raalte for school inspector, Willem J. Mulder for highway commissioner, Jan Roest for justice of the peace, Coenraad Hofman and Jan H. Stegink for directors of the poor, and Jan Binnenkant, Homer E. Hudson, Kommer Schaddelee, and Jan Geerts for constables.
Letter from Cornelius Vander Meulen and A. C. Van Raalte to the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church
Cornelius Vander Meulen and A. C. Raalte
In a letter signed by Rev. Cornelius Vander Meulen and Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte to the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, reported the Rev. Cornelius van der Meulen and elder Van der Luyster would not be able to attend the special session of the synod in October. However, the delegates wished to go on record that the application of "some sister churches in the South" [the North Carolina Classis of the German Reformed Church] not be allowed into the denomination because of their position on slavery. The letter is not in Van Raalte's handwriting.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Classis of Holland
Cornelius Vander Meulen and J. G. Van Hees
Minutes of the meeting of the Classis of Holland at Vriesland, the Rev. Cornelius Vander Meulen, presiding, and J. G. Van Hees serving as Clerk, pro tem.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
C. Van Der Meulen and A. C. Van Raalte
Minutes of the meeting of the Classis of Holland, April 11, 1855, held in the Zeeland Church. The Rev. Cornelius Vander Meulen was president and the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was the clerk.
A. C. V. R.'s Tax Bills for the Year, 1854
H. Van Eyk
A.C.V.R.'s tax bills for the year, 1854. The first list is for the acreage he owned and the second for the property in the village of Holland. He paid $86.36 in taxes for the acreage and $121.87 in taxes for the many city lots he owned. H. Van Eyk was the treasurer.
A Report by A. C. Van Raalte on the Church in Holland, Ottawa Co., Mich. Which Was Printed in the Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church, 1855. pp. 90-92.
A. C. Van Raalte
A report by A. C. Van Raalte on the Church in Holland, Ottawa Co., Mich. which was printed in the Twenty-Third Annual Report of the Board of Domestic Missions of the Ref. Protestant Dutch Church, 1855. pp. 90-92.
Letter from A. C. Van Raalte to the Auditor General of Michigan
A. C. Van Raalte
A letter of A. C. Van Raalte to the Auditor General of Michigan about taxes on property he purchased in 1847.