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Although no day was given on which this meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church was held, it was an important meeting. Revs. H. G. Klein and Cornelius Vander Meulen were present as well as Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte who presided. Pastor Van Raalte announced that the congregation received a gift of $1,000.00 from the Collegiate Church of New York City for the completion of the building. A member protested the nomination of Ploeg for elder but the consistory refused to accept the objection. Abraham Krabshuis and his wife notified the consistory that they were rejecting all ecclesiastical fellowship. Krabshuis charged the consistory as being indifferent to doctrinal truths such as justification by faith. The pastor's sermons always lacked something. In addition, Krabshuis felt he was being persecuted at consistory meetings. His resignation was accepted after considerable discussion.




Holland, Michigan


In Dutch; translation by Rev. William and Althea Buursma, 2000.

Description of the document and reference to The Joint Archives of Holland by Dr. Elton J. Bruins.

About the collection:

Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."

Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.


The original documents are held in The Joint Archives of Holland.


This digitized material is intended for personal research/study only. The original documents may not be reproduced for commercial use in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from The Joint Archives of Holland.

Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
