Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."
Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.
Notice of the Formation of Trustees of the Church
Alexander Hartgerink, A. J. Hillebrands, and Pieter Heijboer
This is a puzzling document because it is the official organization of a Third Reformed Church in Holland Township. My first reaction was to think it was Third Reformed of Holland but it was not organized until 1867. Pieter Heyboer, Pieter A. van Dyk, and Tennis Bos were the trustees. One of the witnesses was Alexander Hartgerink of North Holland. Upon examination of the document and researching the names of these men in Dutch Immigrant Memoirs and Related Writings by Henry S. Lucas, second edition, 1997, I learned that these men were in the North Holland and Noordeloos congregations. It appears that a new Reformed Church was organized after the Rev. Koenevan de Bosch took the Noordeloos congregation out of the Reformed Church in America in April of 1857. In the minutes of the Classis of Holland, P. Heijboer is listed as an elder of a Noordeloos church at the meeting of September 9, 1857. Classis of Holland Minutes 1848-1858, 1950, p. 252. According to the historical directory of the RCA, this congregation was disbanded in 1860.
Mancius Smedes Hutton Addresses the General Synod of the Church
Mancius Smedes Hutton
Rev. Mancius Smedes Hutton, secretary of the Board of Education of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, addressed the General Synod of the church because Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte requested that "certain young men" be allowed to receive their theological education at the Holland Academy rather than attend Rutgers College. The board is passing this request on to the synod because it does not have the authority to act on this matter. Hutton also reminded the synod that the churches need to be much more generous to the board if all the young men requesting aid can be helped in their education for the ministry.
Report in De Hollander
Simone Kennedy
In a report in De Hollander of this date, the editor waxed eloquently that Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte has returned from his eleven week trip out East. During his absence, the Revs. Cornelius Vander Meulen, Peter Oggel, Seine Bolks, and John Van Vleck, conducted the worship services at the First Reformed Church. On his first Sunday back in the pulpit, Van Raalte preached on Psalm 78.1-8. "Our readers know the convincing power of his sermons...." The listeners were visibly touched by his message.
Report in De Hollander
Simone Kennedy
It was reported in De Hollander on this date that Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte received a second call from the First Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa. He asked his congregation to pray for him and the Pella congregation. He also needed their prayers because he was about to leave for the East "in the interest of our schools."
A Letter of Hendrik G. Klijn and K. Van De Bosch to the "Christelijke Afgescheidenen in Nederland"
Hendrik G. Klijn, K. van de Bosch, Harry Boonstra, and Nella Kennedy
A letter of Hendrik G. Klijn and K. van de Bosch to the "Christelijke Afgescheidenen in Nederland" shortly after these two Reformed Church in America ministers separated themselves along with their congregations from the Reformed Church in America and leading to the formation of the Christian Reformed Church.
Letter from "No Name" to A. C. Van Raalte Was Published in De Hollander
"No Name" and Henry ten Hoor
On this date, a letter to Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte from "N[o] N[ame]" was published in De Hollander stating that this person sent a gift of three dollar to V.R. for the spread of the gospel "among the blind heathen." Even this small gift may be instrumental in the Lord's hands to save "one poor soul." V.R. designated one dollar for Home Missions, one for Foreign Missions, and one for the education of ministers. The letter to V.R. was dated 8 February 1857 and came from "B...., Wisconsin."
Minutes of the Meeting of the Holland Classis
Peter J. Oggel and Albertus C. Van Raalte
Minutes of the meeting of the Holland Classis in Zeeland, with the Rev. Peter J. Oggel, presiding, and the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, clerk. Documents of secession are presented by the congregations of Noodeloos, Grand Rapids, Graafschap and Polkton [Coopersville]. A long discussion follows these actions which provide the beginning of the Christian Reformed Church.
Report in De Hollander
A. Plugger, J. Labots, and Nella Kennedy
A report on the Holland Harbor improvements was published in De Hollander on this date. Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was present at the meeting of 5 November. "The suggestions by Rev. A. C. Van Raalte were listened to unanimously, and with enthusiasm."
A Handwritten Copy of an Indenture for a Property or Mortgage Transaction Between the Van Raaltes and Samuel B. Schieffelin
H. D. Post
A handwritten copy of an indenture for a property or mortgage transaction between the Van Raaltes and Samuel B. Schieffelin. It may be a copy of the formal indenture of this date,
Some Comments and Description of Property and Business Matters of A. C. V. R. with James Suydam, Sanuel B. Schieffelin, and the Silsbee Estate
Henry D. Post
Some comments and description of property and business matters of A.C.V.R. with James Suydam, Sanuel B. Schieffelin, and the Silsbee estate. Apparently the handwriting is that of Henry D. Post.
A Letter from Samuel B. Schieffelin to A. C. Van Raalte
Samuel B. Schieffelin
A letter from Samuel B. Schieffelin to A.C.V.R. regarding property matters. Schieffelin seems to have a high regard for Van Raalte. The author also makes some medicinal recommendations for A.C.V.R.'s health problems.
Notes on the Meeting of the General Synod of the Protestant Dutch Reformed Church in De Hollander
Henry ten Hoor
A lengthy news item appeared in De Hollander on this date reporting on the meeting of the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church held in the town of Ithaca, [New York?]. Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was the delegate from the Classis of Holland. In the report on the activities of synod, it was noted that V.R. offered one of the prayers and gave one of the speeches.
Notice in De Hollander
Henry ten Hoor
A notice appeared in De Hollander on this date that the four congregations of Grand Rapids, Noordeloos, Graafschap, and Polkton [Coopersville] have seceded from the Classis of Holland. It was decided by Classis to call a traveling minister to visit the various vacant congregations now deprived of regular preaching and pastoral care. It was also reported the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte and Rev. Pieter J. Oggel were nominated delegates to the meeting of the Particular Synod of Chicago to be held 29 April.
Article in De Hollander
Henry ten Hoor and Nella Kennedy
An article appeared in De Hollander on this date with the title,"Wat men te Holland, in Michigan, ten opzigte van opvoeding, onderwijs en aankweeking van wetenschap alzoo doet." Or, "What is being done in Holland, Michigan, in regard to education, instruction and the development of learning." The writer of the essay gives a very good picture of the educational ventures in the Colony but also of church life including the development of singing school. The document is a good source for information about education in early Holland, Michigan. The Pioneer School or Academy is here referred to as a Latin School.
A Committee of the Classis of Holland Petitioned the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church
Cornelius Vander Meulen, Albertus C. Van Raalte, Peter Oggel, and John Van Vleck
A committee of the Classis of Holland consisting of Rev. Cornelius Vander Meulen, Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, Rev. Peter Oggel, and Rev. John Van Vleck petitioned the General Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church to issue a dispensation for Adrian Zwemer, Johannes Vande Luyster, and Gerrit Nykerk from formal theological education so that they could be licensed to serve in the Holland churches which are in great need of ministers. These men range in age from thirty-five to thirty-eight. All three men are students in the Holland Academy.
A Mortgage Deed of the Van Raaltes to James Suydam
Van Raalte
A mortgage deed of the Van Raaltes to James Suydam, in the amount of $823.85 for a piece of property of 160 acres.
Plea from the Hollanders of Michigan to the Senate and the House of Representatives of the US
Van Raalte
A FEW WORDS FROM THE HOLLANDERS IN MICHIGAN. To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled. The people of Holland are making a very strong plea for support of the Holland Harbor. The printed, one page petition reads as if it were written by Van Raalte.
Letter from A. C. Van Raalte to Phillip Phelps
A. C. Van Raalte
A letter of A. C. Van Raalte to Philip Phelps of Hastings, New York, about fund raising for the Academy and the building of Van Vleck.
Letter of A. C. Van Raalte Published in The Grand Rapids Daily Eagle
A. C. Van Raalte
A letter of the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, published in the Grand Rapids Daily Eagle, p. 2, stating that he and Cornelius Vander Meulen, the Democratic nominee for regent of the university decline their nominations "because, as pastors in church, we wish to avoid the appearance of being in conflict Instead he and Vander Meulen nominate John Van Vleck for the position. The letter is dated March 24, 1857.
List of Persons and Churches Who Donated to the Fund for the Construction of Van Vleck Hall
A. C. Van Raalte
The list of persons and churches who donated to the fund for the construction of Van Vleck Hall, Hope College. The manuscript list is in the handwriting of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte who personally canvassed in the states of New York and New Jersey. The amount he raised was $6,564.70 from many people and churches. Many gifts are in the fifty cents to ten dollar range. Names of some donors were Prof Wm. H. Campbell of Rutgers College, the Hon. Th. Frelinghuysen, Samuel B. Schieffelin for five gifts in the amount of $440, Rev. James A. H. Cornell, Rev. C. E. Crispell who later came to Hope College to teach, and many others for a total of 712 gifts. Most of the donors were members of Dutch Reformed Churches.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a consistory meeting of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, Adriaan Kriekaard, Peter Lepeltak, Pieter Winter, and Anje Bolhuis were admitted into membership. [Kriekaard and Lepeltak became ministers in the Reformed Church in America.] The consistory was notified that some members were dissatisfied with the congregation and were leaving.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a consistory meeting of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and for which he served as clerk, it was reported that Rika Van Zwaluwenburg has begin teaching in the parochial school for $2.50 per week, not including room and board.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and served as clerk, Van Raalte reported that he raised more than $2,500.00 for the academy buildings. He also mentioned that he was looking for a woman teacher for the parochial school. Girls twelve years old and younger and boys seven years and younger would be enrolled. Discussion was held on the location of the academy building but it would be built on the five acres contributed by Van Raalte.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, new members were received from Aalten, the Netherlands, Grand Haven, Kalamazoo, Zeeland, Allegan, and Zaandam, the Netherlands. It was also reported that the building used for the parochial school was not large enough for the current enrollment.