Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."
Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.
Meeting Notes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, Van Raalte proposed that a Miss Falcone be hired for the parochial school and to give her and Miss Zwaluwenburg $8.00 per month plus room and board. The proposal will be presented to the next congregational meeting.
Notes of the Meeting of the Holland Harbor Board
A. C. Van Raalte and Henry Post
A meeting called by the Holland Harbor Board met in the office of John Roost in the village of Holland. Representatives from the Townships of Holland, Zeeland, Overijsel, and Fillmore were present. Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte is a member of the Holland Township delegation and one of the three parts of this document was signed by Van Raalte as praeses [chair?] of the assembly. Two sheets of the document were written either by Van Raalte or Henry D. Post.
Contract for the Construction of Two Piers
A. C. Van Raalte and John Roost
The contract for the constructing of two piers "at the mouth of north black river" at the cost of fourteen thousand dollars. Albertus C. Van Raalte signs the document as president and John Roost as clerk. Other signatures include those of Albert Plugger, M. D. Howard, Kommer Schaddelee, Jan Trimpe, Henry D. Post, Pieter F. Pfanstiehl, John Roost, Hessel O. Yntema, C. J. Voorhorst, Jan W. Garvelink, and Jan Boers.
Letter from A. C. Van Raalte to John Roost
A. C. Van Raalte, Seth Vander Werf, and Nella Kennedy
A letter of Albertus C. Van Raalte to Mr. John Roost who is on a trip East to obtain funds for the Holland Harbor. V.R. says, "May God make your trip helpful toward the well-being of the people whose care is laid upon your hands in his providence." Money is badly needed in order to proceed with the harbor work. Although V.R. is much involved with business and community affairs, he places all within a spiritual framework. This letter give more evidence of V.R.'s piety and deep religious convictions.
Meeting Notes for the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and Gerrit Wakker served as clerk, it was reported that several boys exhibited offensive behavior during public worship. Consistory decided to ask their fathers to pay sufficient pew rent to include a seat for the sons of the family. Van Raalte and Wakker were appointed to handle this problem. Consistory members will be assigned their turns sitting in the back of the sanctuary where the youths often are seated. Two men were appointed to meet with a man who is charged with abusing his wife. The issue was again raised about non confessing but baptized members of the church who wish to have their children baptized. Consistory accepted an invitation of the pastor to attend a ministers' meeting where this subject would be discussed.
Meeting Notes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and at which Elder Gerrit Wakker served as clerk, a man came to consistory to ask baptism for his children but he and his wife were not members of the church. The issue was clarified by asking him to take instruction, be received into membership with his wife, and then asking for baptism for the children. A member under discipline asked to have his membership transferred to the "Scottish congregation" on the south side of Holland.
Notes on the Congregational Meeting
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
The congregational meeting on this Thanksgiving Day opened with the singing of Psalm 86, verse 6 after which the pastor, Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, prayed and then "presented the needs of the congregation..." A report was made on the income given for the poor, the Academy, congregational school, and other causes. The congregational school was $1,128.12 in debt. There were still twenty-one unpaid bills on the church building. Many members owed money on their pews. The General Synod minutes of that year indicate the congregation had 168 families and 334 members. Forty infants were baptized, there were 150 catechumens, and $1,988.50 in contributions. [page 425]
Notes on the Meeting of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and Gerrit Wakker served as clerk [Wakker's minutes are much fuller usually than were Van Raalte's], it was decided that deacons were separate from the elders but they were to continue meeting together. Collections have fallen off in the afternoon service because some members are now attending the "English service." Consistory acknowledged the bills owed P. Zalsman and A. Vennema. Labots was appointed to review the membership roll. De Vries was appointed administrator of the congregational school and to set up a separate fund for that purpose. Van Raalte reported on his health and the stress he was experiencing due to heavy duties because the consistory wondered if the rumor was correct that he was planning to take a trip outside the country.
Notes on the Meeting of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
The consistory of the First Reformed Church met again within two days of the previous meeting. Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was again presiding. Article 6 of the 31 August meeting were clarified as to the baptism of infants when parents were not confessing members. Various problems are dealt with. It was decided to have a family visitation program pursued immediately and done within a short time. If the pastor was relieved from Wednesday evening preaching, he would have more time available for calling. "The elders will encourage those who have not yet contributed to assist with the pastor's salary." The presence of Revs. Giles Vande Wall and John Van Vleck at consistory meetings was desireable but not required in view of their "multiple responsibilities."
Notes on the Meeting of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and Gerrit Wakker served as clerk, a committee was appointed to look into obtaining a furnace for the sanctuary. Considerable discussion was based on the law of the state that a congregation must have trustees. For the time being, the consistory will not comply. Van Raalte was permitted to discontinue Wednesday evening preaching so that he can do more calling. "In addition, all shared the conviction that the pastor's physical situation requires some rest and relief."
Notes on the Meeting of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
A. C. Van Raalte, G. Wakke, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and Gerrit Wakker served as clerk, it was noted that Nagelkerk was still difficult to deal with. He was separated from his wife and did not attend services. The consistory decided to censure him publicly. People in two other bad marriages were reported on. Van Raalte would not be in the pulpit Sunday and a replacement was needed.
Minutes of the Meeting of the Classis of Holland at Zeeland
Albertus C. Van Raalte
Minutes of the meeting of the Classis of Holland at Zeeland, with the Rev. Hendrik G. Kleijn, presiding, and the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, as clerk.
Petition from the Large Holland Harbor Committee to Mr. Kinglsey S. Bingham, Governor of the State of Michigan
Albertus C. Van Raalte
On behalf of a large Holland Harbor committee, Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, writing in the third person, authored a petition to Mr. Kingsley S. Bingham, Governor of the State of Michigan, requesting finds in the amount of $45,000 for the development of a harbor for the opening of Black Lake to Lake Michigan. People whose names appear on the petition include persons also from the Towns of Fillmore and Newark [Laketown?].
Petition to the Governor of Michigan from a Large Number of Citizens in Ottawa County
Albertus C. Van Raalte
A petition was made to the governor, Kingsley S. Bingham on behalf of a large number of citizens in Ottawa County for funds for the improvement of the Holland Harbor. The handwriting is that of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte but the document is written in the third person. The amount requested is $45,000. Some of the names of the committee are A. Hartgerink, P. Stegenga, E. Luidens, H. Jekel, and P. Naber.
Meeting Minutes of the First Reformed Church
Albertus C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, a few matters were dealt with. Since Elder Broek was not present, no decision was made about his request to have Sunday afternoon catechism in the school.
Meeting Minutes of the First Reformed Church
Albertus C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, several persons made confession of faith and were admitted to the Lord's table and membership statements were received from people who came front Clymer, New York, Grand Haven, and Arnhem, the Netherlands. During the absence of the pastor, Elder Labots would conduct the catechism classes and elderly persons can receive religious instruction from elders Labots or Keppel on Monday morning at 8 a.m.. Four elders were appointed to visit Elder Broek who "had distanced himself from his elder responsibilities."
Notes on the Meeting of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
Albertus C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van RaaIle presided and also served as clerk, a pastoral problem was dealt with and the cost of the pillars was discussed. The company would receive interest on the unpaid balance. Elder Broek requested permission that the children in his district be catechized by an elder because it was often too far to attend classes taught by the pastor. The elders can do this on Sunday afternoons and also read a sermon in the school.
Notes on the Meeting of the First Reformed Church
Albertus C. Van Raalte, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided and also served as clerk, it was announced that Gerrit Wakker was chosen as elder by the congregation.
Letter Written by Albertus C. Van Raalte Published in De Hollander
Albertus C. Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
On this date, a pastoral letter written by Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte on 18 March was published in De Hollander. V.R. reported on the Fulton Street Prayer Meeting which was then taking place at the Fulton St. Dutch Reformed Church in Manhattan. He reported that while being in New York from where this letter is sent that he often visited these gatherings "and they are very refreshing to me." V.R. described the rules which governed the meetings such as no meeting would be more than an hour in length. The meetings are very well attended. Apparently the money crisis in the country at that time led to the development of these prayer meetings. There is also a message from the Holland Township Clerk, C. Doesburg, in this issue dated 10 March concerning the borrowing of money for the construction of the Holland Harbor.
Note in De Hollander
Albertus C. Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, Clerk of the Holland Classis sent a note on 16 February to De Hollander that the Holland Classis would be meeting on Wednesday, 24 March at 9 am. in the Zeeland church. Rev. Pieter J. Oggel would deliver the sermon. This is a special meeting for the examining of Rev. [Adrian] Zwemer who was called by the Vriesland congregation. Then in a postscript it was added that the meeting was postponed to 7 April.
Notice in De Hollander
Albertus C. Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte placed a notice on this date in De Hollander that the annual day of prayer for crops is 28 April. The date V.R. sent the note was 12 April.
Notice in De Hollander
Albertus C. Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
A notice was published by Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte on this date in De Hollander calling for prayers for the academies, high schools, and colleges in America. V.R. wants the local community to join in this national movement. "That the educated understanding and the talent of the nation, to which the management of affairs naturally falls, may be led by the Lord, is of the greatest interest to the nation, church and school." V.R. brought this notice to the paper on 9 February.
Letter from Albertus C. Van Raalte to His Brother in Law Rev. de Moen and His Wife
Albertus C. Van Raalte, Henry ten Hoor, and Nella Kennedy
In a lengthy letter (of ten pages in translation) to his brother-in-law and wife, Rev. and C. G. de Moen, Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte reports on the Van Raalte family and on his work. He wrote the letter in stages because he felt so weary from all his duties. He reported that he preaches three times a week and catechises every Thursday afternoon and all day Friday. Business matters also take up much time. The two oldest sons are farming. The Van Raaltes have several people to help with housework. Mrs. Van Raalte seems to be doing better than he is. V.R. is also trying to float a loan from a person in the Netherlands for the Holland harbor. The revival of 1857 which emanates form the Fulton Street Prayer Meeting in New York is sweeping the country, which gratifies V.R. very much. Rev. Pieter Oggel is doing well in Grand Haven and may be called to Pella, Iowa. V.R. just preached in Grand Haven and was now very tired from riding home on his horse the twenty five miles from Grand Haven. The letter reveals much about Van Raalte.
Letter from Albertus C. Van Raalte Published in De Hollander
Albertus C. Van Raalte, Seth Vander Werf, and Nella Kennedy
A letter of the Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte which was published in De Hollander on March 24.