Holy Creatures Living Among Other Holy Creatures in a World That Is Holy

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Theoecology Journal

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Theoecology Journal


Theoecologyjournal is an open access, peer reviewed journal that seeks to bridge the gap between the sciences and theology by promoting dialogue and charitable interaction amongst researchers, students, and professors. It is published bi-annually on January 15 and August 15. Currently Theoecologyjournal is a web-journal only.


In his essay “Christianity and the Survival of Creation” Kentucky farmer, essayist, and poet Wendell Berry argues that the indictment by anti-Christian conservationists that Christianity is culpable in the destruction of the natural world “is in many respects just.” He writes that “Christian organizations, to this day, remain largely indifferent to the rape and plunder of the world and its traditional cultures. It is hardly too much to say that most Christian organizations are as happily indifferent to the ecological, cultural, and religious implications of industrial economics as are most industrial organizations.”1 In the very next breath, however, Berry insists that “however just it may be, it [the indictment of Christianity by anti-Christian conservationists] does not come from an adequate understanding of the Bible and the cultural traditions that descend from the Bible.” Critics too often dismiss the Bible, usually without ever reading it, Berry observes. He thus concludes: “Our predicament now, I believe, requires us to learn to read and understand the Bible in light of the present fact of Creation.”
