A Comparison between PIXE Studies and Electron Microprobe Studies of Rocks from Southern India.

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Proceedings, 15th International Conference of the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry

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AIP Conference Proceedings


The Hope College PIXE facility was used to perform an analysis of zircons, apatites and monazites prevalent in rocks collected in southern India. Thin sections of the samples were prepared for electron microprobe analysis at U. Chicago, and a number of rare earth elements were quantitatively measured. These samples were then fractured and individual crystals were analyzed with 2.3 MeV protons in an internal PIXE irradiation chamber. GUPIX II© software was used to identify and measure trace metals in the samples and the results have been correlated with the electron microprobe data. Whole rock analyses, prepared by making pressed pellets of the powdered rock components were also analyzed by PIXE and XRF. Each of these techniques can be used to address the geological distribution of large ion lithophiles in the mantle, and advantages and disadvantages of each technique will be presented.

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