Faculty Mentor(s)

Gabbi Wehrmeyer, Kinesiology; Dr. Maureen Dunn, Kinesiology

Document Type


Event Date



Vibrating foam rollers are a new percussive device that has become increasingly popular to perform myofascial release. Various studies have assessed these devices' effects on vertical jump performance in athletes. Prior research has reported that vibrating rollers (1) have no effect on performance, (2) improve performance to a similar degree as regular foam rollers, and (3) improve performance to a greater degree than regular foam rollers. The inconsistency of these results suggests that further investigation is warranted. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of vibrating and non-vibrating foam rolling on vertical jump performance in division III football players. 50 division III college football players were assessed on their vertical jump performance following no foam rolling, regular foam rolling, and foam rolling with vibration. Participants visited the lab on three separate occasions and completed each trial in a counterbalanced manner. Prior to each jump assessment, participants completed a 10 minute dynamic warm-up led by a researcher. After 30 seconds of rest, a 5-minute treatment was completed. In each foam-rolling trial, quadriceps, hamstrings, calf, and glute muscles in both legs were rolled out for 30 seconds each using a metronome to assure consistent rolling. In the non-foam rolling trial, participants rested for 5 minutes after the dynamic warm-up before jumping. The jumping protocol consisted of 3 countermovement jumps from a stationary position on the Just Jump mat. Thirty seconds separated each jump, and the highest jump was recorded for comparison between groups. It was hypothesized that the foam rolling with vibration would improve vertical jump performance to a greater degree than regular foam rolling and no foam rolling. This study is ongoing, and results will be available during the poster celebration.


This project was funded by the Kinesiology Department

Included in

Kinesiology Commons
