Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Maria Burnatowska-Hledin, Biology

Document Type


Event Date



The vasopressin-activated calcium mobilizing (VACM-1/Cul-5) protein plays a role in the E3 ubiquitin ligase system which is involved in the destruction of specific proteins. Our focus is on the impact that the (VACM-1/Cul-5) protein has on other proteins' expression and localization within human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). One of the proteins of interest to us is aquaporin-1 (AQP1). AQP1 is a water transporter that impacts cell growth and angiogenesis. To evaluate how the presence of VACM-1/Cul5 impacts AQP1, cells with and without the VACM-1/Cul5 gene are analyzed in the presence of increased vasopressin. VACM-1/Cul5 is knocked out of the genome using CRISPR. Results were analyzed using immunostaining to determine the concentration and localization of AQP1. The immunostaining process involves incubating treated cells with fluorescent antibodies that attach to AQP1. Preliminary results are inconclusive with respect to the impact of knocking out VACM-1 on AQP1 expression.


This work was supported by the Schaap Science Undergraduate Research Fund and the American Heart Association.

Title on poster differs from abstract booklet. Poster title: The Effects of Vasopressin on Aquaporin-1 Expression and Localization in the Presence and Absence of VACM-1/Cul5 in Endothelial Cells

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Biology Commons
