Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Kyuil Cho, Physics

Document Type


Event Date



We studied the effect of 600 keV proton irradiation on thin-film Cuprate superconductors. A 500 nm thick YBCO-1237 sample was subjected to a series of proton irradiations using Hope College’s particle accelerator, using a cryocooler to test the resistivity of the sample in between irradiations. We found that the superconducting critical temperature (TC) drastically decreased from 90 K towards zero Kelvin, and the normal state resistivity increased accordingly. The rate of TC reduction to resistivity increase will be used to discuss the fundamental property of the superconductor.


This research was supported by the NSF, the Dr. Harry F. and Jeannette Frissel Research Fund, Dr. Jennifer Hampton Summer Research in Physics Fund and the L.T. Guess Physics Summer Research Fund.

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Physics Commons
