Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."
Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.
A Letter of Albertus C. Van Raalte Which Appeared on 10 May 1866 in De Hope
A. C. Van Raalte, Simone Kennedy, and Nella Kennedy
A letter of Albertus C. Van Raalte which appeared on 10 May 1866 in De Hope. This letter was written the day before he and Mrs. Van Raalte boarded the Teutonia for the Netherlands. He reported that Mrs. Van Raalte was sick often on the trip from Holland to New York. They were made very comfortable in the home of the parents of Pres. Philip Phelps Jr. in Albany and the Dr. Thomas De Witt family in New York City. Their up-coming return trip to the Netherlands brings brings back twenty-year-old memories for the Van Raaltes. He is grateful for the heartfelt farewells, and rejoices in the recent revival of "young and old" in Holland.
Excerpts from the Minutes of the Synod of the Christian Seceded Reformed Church of the Netherlands Concerning the Van Raalte Visit
Van Raalte, Henry ten Hoor, and Nella Kennedy
Excerpts from the minutes of the Synod of the Christian Seceded Reformed Church of the Netherlands concerning the Van Raalte visit. A.C.V.R. makes an extensive address to the synod, explaining the union of the Classis of Holland with the Reformed Dutch Church and briefly hints at the reason for the 1857 Secession. He urges also a greater and reciprocal working relationship with the Dutch Gereformeerde Afgescheiden Kerk, for the sake of missions and for future emigrants to the U.S.A.
Meeting Minutes of the Congregation of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At the congregational meeting of the First Reformed Church, no mention was made who presided. The pew committee made its report. The first proposal of the committee was to offer immediate payment with some flexibility. This was rejected with a vote of 26 for and 26 against. By a vote of 30 to 19, the proposal "to leave pew seating free" was accepted. The proposal to build a new church was approved by 39 to 0.
Meeting Minutes of the Congregation of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
After Psalm 25.2 was sung, Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte offered prayer at the congregational meeting of the First Reformed Church. Elders and deacons were elected and financial reports given. A committee was appointed to look into the objections of those who thought that the pew rents were high. "At the suggestion of the president," he brought forward the matter of the need for a second congregation to be organized in Holland due to the growth of the village and the congregation. A committee of ten persons was appointed to look into this matter.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, routine matters only were dealt with due to the poor attendance of consistory members although several members of the building committee were present, who brought a three- fold proposal concerning the building needs of a new congregation.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Elder de Bruin was chosen chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, routine matters were dealt with.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, routine matters were dealt with, in particular, matters with members under censure.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Elder Labots served as chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, several new members were received and routine matters dealt with.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church, Elder Keppel was chosen chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte. Several new members were received.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, it was reported that G[errit] Van Schelven had broken his relationship with the Free Masons. The land was purchased for the new county line church and the new church building will be 36 by 48 feet and that it will be called the Third Reformed Church of Holland. [The name Ebenezer became the name of the church instead.]
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, new members were received. It was decided that "from now on the children of baptized members of the congregation will be baptized. They are to be looked upon as members of the congregation and, consequently, have the right to all of the privileges that God has granted to his church." There was a request from members living at a distance that the congregation would give assistance in obtaining a church building in an area that is increasingly populated. A committee of the pastor and Elder Keppel will follow up on the request.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was not present at first, Elder Oonk was chosen as chairman. Then the pastor entered the meeting. Several matters were dealt with. Article nine recorded "A proposal that former members of the congregation, who had gone along with the Secessionists for a period of time but now gradually were returning to the services," people such as Schrader and wife, L. Schaddelee and wife, and Mrs. Boezel. Also, "A bill was received from W. Brouwer for tolling the bell at the time of the assassination of our president, the late Abraham Lincoln. It was decided that this bill does not belong here, and the clerk will so inform him." It was also decided the pastor will receive $100 from the pew rental fund in addition to his salary.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, several new members were received such as Catharina Cappon, Cornelis Gardenier, Arend and Jan Visscher. A committee was appointed to meet with some people who were absent from the Lord' Supper. The absentees included Mr. and Mrs. H. van der Haar and Mr. and Mrs. P. Pfanstiehl, well-known names in the Holland community. "Jacobus Schrader entered the meeting, acknowledging that for some time he has been separated from his wife, but, having found nothing better, he returned to her." It was reported that some members objected that consistory allowed the Methodists to use the church building for [revival] meeting which Elder Clapper [spelled Klipper in the minutes] was leading.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Elder Wilterdink was chosen chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, routine matters were dealt with including the reception of new members.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, the committee of Elders Keppel and te Roller presented the blueprint of the proposed church for the county line. Total costs would come to $3,000. The plans were drawn by W. Minderhout. It was decided that the deacons will make the rounds to ask for pledges. The pastor informed the consistory that he and his wife planned to go to the Netherlands for his wife's health sake. He received the approval of the consistory.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was absent, among other actions, Peter Moerdyk received permission to transfer to the Second Church, namely Hope Reformed that had English services.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Elder Keppel was chosen chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, routine matters were dealt with.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was back from the Netherlands and present at this meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church. "Since the English, or Second Church locally, seems to have no objection to receiving members of the Masonic Lodge into the fellowship of their congregation and admit them to the table of the Lord, it was decided that it is our calling in a Christian protest to witness against this, following the church order."
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church, Elder Keppel was chosen chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte. The pastor entered some time after the meeting had begun. Elder Keppel asked the pastor if the protest was ready to give the Second [Hope] Church. The pastor promised to present it at the next meeting of the consistory.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a consistory meeting of the First Reformed Church along with members of the building committee, a meeting at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, it was proposed to "build a new Third church in the village." The report also contained several related issues.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Elder Oonk presided in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte, routine matters were dealt with. Among the new people received were M. I. Oggel and Maria Oggel from Kalamazoo. The consistory approved a proposal that Gerrit Wakker, the clerk, be renumerated for "his time and sacrifice during the absence of the pastor."
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte was not presert, Elder Kamper was chosen as chairman. New members were received and admitted to the Lord's Table as well as receiving members by transfer. The consistory approved the request of Mrs. Pau[e'?]ls and Mrs. Slink to put new carpet in the pulpit area. It was decided that people who attended the theater would not be allowed to come to the Lord's table. "Because of the hasty departure of the pastor to the Netherlands, it was decided to celebrate the Lord's Supper with one another before he leaves."
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, routine matters were dealt with. The meetings continue with Elder Clapper, the Methodist revivalist, although there was an attempt to "have a half-hour under Dutch leadership" but that did not work out.
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Althea Buursma
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church at which Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte presided, several new members were received. The committee reported that it has been decided to build a church on the county line [present 32nd Street]. Members in that area pledged $880 toward a new church. Thirty five acres were available for purchase for $500. A mortgage was held by "Mr. Bleeker in Kalamazaoo" [Paulus den Bleyker?]. Article ten read: "There was general agreement that members of the Masonic Lodge should not be admitted to the Lord's Table."
Meeting Minutes of the Consistory of the First Reformed Church
G. Wakker, William Buursma, and Nella Kennedy
At a meeting of the consistory of the First Reformed Church, Elder Keppel was chosen chairman in the absence of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte. Members of the Van Voorst family were received into the congregation from state church in the Netherlands. The contract was let on the county line church for $1,550.