Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."
Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.
Letter from Albertus C. Van Raalte to His Wife
Albertus C. Van Raalte, Ellie Dekker, and Simone Kennedy
Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte reports to his wife about his trials in obtaining more land for the Holland Colony. When he got to Marshall he discovered that land speculators had already taken the land he thought was available for the Colony. He and a lawyer left Marshall and traveled to Grand Rapids to see the owner who relinquished the property. The man who owned the property purchased the land because he was the contractor for a canal. With the help of prominent men in Grand Rapids, the land went back to the state. These are anxious days for Van Raalte but he urges his dear wife not to worry. Van Raalte says much also about the horse he had and its need for rest.
Letter from Albertus Van Raalte to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Brummelkamp
Albertus Van Raalte, Henry ten Hoor, and Nella Kennedy
This is an important letter of Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte that he wrote to "Dearly Beloved Brother and Sister" who most likely are Rev. and Mrs. Anthony Brummelkamp. It was published in a pamphlet with the title Holland in Amerika, of De Hollandsche Kolonisatie in den Staat Michigan medegedeeld door A Brummelkamp, Bedienaar des Goddelijken Woords. Arnhem, J. W. Swaan, 1847. 43 pp.
Account of Van Raalte with Nathaniel Silsbee
Van Raalte and Nathaniel Silsbee
Van Raalte's account with Nathaniel Silsbee for the property A.C.V.R. purchased from Silsbee. Apparently A.C.V.R. had the debt paid off by September 1, 1853.
List of Purchased Supplies by Van Raalte at J. Owen and Co.
Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
A list of supplies that were purchased by Rev. Albertus C. Van Raalte just prior to his departure from Detroit from J. Owen & Co. in the amount of $40.88. Items include tea, coffee, rice, pepper, sugar, and starch.
Village Daybook
Van Raalte and Henry ten Hoor
All of the document of thirty pages is in Albertus C. Van Raalte's handwriting except pages 28-30. This is contrast with the Dorpslands Dagboek in the Calvin College archives, the Van Raalte collection, box 13, folder 218. That document of 35 pages is in another person's handwriting except for pages 34 and 35 which are in Van Raalte's handwriting. The major portion of this document is a record of land and property transactions concerning lots in the village of Holland. The document is also a record of many names of early Holland residents.
Record of a Land Purchase by Van Raalte
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of a land purchase by Van Raalte. A description of the property is given in full detail.
Record of State Tax Land for a Sum of $16.56
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land by Van Raalte for the sum of $16.56.
Record of State Tax Land Purchase by A. C. Van Raalte
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of 600 acres for $11.68.
Record of State Tax Land Purchase by Van Raalte
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of 125 acres for $5.67.
Record of State Tax Land Purchase by Van Raalte of Various Pieces of Property for $21.47.
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of various pieces of property for $21.47.
Record of State Tax Land Purchase for $5.18 by Van Raalte
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of acreage for $5.18.
Record of State Tax Land Purchase of 74 Acres for $16.77
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of 74 acres for $16.77.
Record of State Tax Land Purchase of Acreage for $7.66
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of acreage for $7.66.
Record of State Tax Land Purchases by A. C. Van Raalte
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchases by Van Raalte of several parcels of land for $26.25?.
Record of State Tax Land Purchases by A. C. Van Raalte for Some 178 Acres for $57.25
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of some 178 acres for $57.25.
Record of State Tax Land Purchases by A. C. Van Raalte for Some 690 Acres for $65.16
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchases by Van Raalte for some 690 acres for $65.16.
Record of State Tax Land Purchases by A. C. Van Raalte for Some 80 Acres for $3.72
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax land purchase by Van Raalte of some 80 acres for $3.72.
Record of State Tax Land Purchases by A. C. Van Raalte for Ten and 80/100s Acres
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of the purchase of state tax land by Van Raalte for ten and 80/100s acres.
Record of State Tax Land Purchases by A. C. Van Raalte in the Village of Superior for $5.26
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of state tax lands purchase by Van Raalte in the Village of Superior for $5.26.
Record of the Purchase of State Tax Land for $3.39
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of the purchase of state tax land by Van Raalte, 80 plus acres, for $3.39.
Record of the Purchase of State Tax Land for $6.48 by Van Raalte
Wayne County, Michigan
A record of the purchase of state tax land by Van Raalte for $6.48.
Letter from Isaac N. Wyckoff to Samuel W. Fisher
Isaac N. Wyckoff
A letter of the Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff, of Albany, New York, to a Samuel W. Fisher, of Cincinnati, Ohio, asking Fisher to give any help he can to the Rev. Hendrik P. Scholte who is coming to America "with a large number of godly persons, to settle somewhere in our country."
Letter of Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff
Isaac N. Wyckoff
Albert Hyma, in his biography of Albertus C. Van Raalte Albertus C. Van Raalte and His Dutch Settlements in the United States, page 95, quotes a letter of Rev. Isaac N. Wyckoff of Albany, New York. Wyckoff said: "On reaching Detroit, Van Raalte was kindly received by ministers and Christians there;..."
A Bill of a Sale - Van Raalte Purchased 18 Cows and 2 Yoke of Oxen
George Young
A bill of sale, signed by George Young, Allegan, Michigan that Van Raalte purchase 18 cows and two yoke of oxen "with young." Judge Kellog made the purchase on behalf of Van Raalte for $300.
Editorial "Van Raalte's Arrival Seventy-Five Years Ago"
An editorial in the Banner, dated November 10, 1921, entitled, "Van Raalte's Arrival Seventy-five Years Ago, p. 692. The editor writes about the date of the arrival of Van Raalte in America on the ship, the Southerner. By careful research, he affirms the date of November 17 as the date of arrival. G. J. Diekema claimed it was October 2, 1846 and Gerrit Van Schelven said it was November 4 that year. There has been confusion also about the name of the ship. Hyma affirms the date of November 17 (p. 59).