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A report of the Holland Colony which appeared in the Christian Intelligencer and copied by Grand River Eagle, p. 2. The report orginated in Grand Rapids on May 15, 1848. Since the end of the report is lost, it cannot be determined who wrote the report. "The population now numbers over two thousand souls, and new companies are continually arriving....I conversed with children and adults, but could not find a solitary individual that wished himself again in old Holland. I can truly say, that I never met with a happier body of people." The author is amazed by the progress made in just one year.




Description of the document by Dr. Elton J. Bruins.

About the collection:

Elton J. Bruins, long-time professor in the Department of Religion at Hope College, spent years collecting documents by and about Albertus C. Van Raalte, founder of Holland, Michigan and early patron of Hope College. Documents were gathered from dozens of public and private collections, making a nearly exhaustive collection of Van Raalte's writings and reflections. It is these documents that make up the "Van Raalte Papers."

Digitizing the Van Raalte papers was supported by the Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York. The project was done in partnership with Heritage Hall at Calvin University, which also digitized its Van Raalte collections.


Grand River Eagle, June 23, 1848, p. 2.

Report of Holland Colony in the Christian Intelligencer and Copied Into the Grand River Eagle
