The Effects of Dynamic and Ballistic Stretching with Differing Rest Intervals Prior to Vertical Jump in DIII Male Football Players

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Maureen Dunn and Dr. Mark Northius

Document Type


Event Date



Stretching programs are often utilized in sports for injury prevention and to warmup muscles prior to competition. Varied stretching techniques exist (eg. static, dynamic, and ballistic); however, controversy exists regarding which stretching technique will provide the greatest benefit on subsequent vertical jump height. In addition, little is known regarding how the time interval between stretching and jumping will affect performance. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of dynamic and ballistic stretching on vertical jump height with differing rest intervals between stretch and vertical jump in DIII male football players. It was hypothesized that dynamic stretching would increase vertical jump height to a greater degree than ballistic stretching, and that vertical jump height would decrease as the length of the rest interval between stretching and jumping increased. Ten DIII male football players aged between 19 and 22 were chosen to participate. After being familiarized with testing and stretching procedures, each participant had his vertical jump height measured 0, 5, 15, and 30 min after both ballistic and dynamic stretching. A minimum of 48 hours separated each testing session. The stretching program and rest interval between stretch and jump were counterbalanced for each participant to rule out any order effects. If results suggest that one stretching protocol is more effective than the other at maximizing vertical jump height, then athletes will be encouraged to use that protocol prior to competitions where they will be jumping (eg. football, volleyball, basketball, etc.). Furthermore, results may also reveal the ideal time interval between stretching and performance.

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