Comparative Evaluation of the Pediatric Pressure Ulcer Prediction & Evaluation Tool (PPUPET) to the Braden and Braden Q Scales for Predicting Risk of Development of Pressure Ulcers In Pediatric Patients
Faculty Mentor(s)
JoAnn Mooney, BSN, RN, CPN, CPPS, and Barbara Vincensi, PhD, RN, FNP
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Preventing pressure ulcers in pediatric patients is essential to decrease costs and debilitating experiences. The purpose of this study is to compare the PPUPET, Braden Q and the Braden scales regarding sensitivity for predicting pressure ulcer development. The conceptual model used is Betty Neuman’s Health Systems Model, which focuses on internal, external, and created environments that place patients at higher risk for a certain condition. A prospective study of 70 pediatric patients was done in a large teaching children’s hospital in West Michigan to compare the PPUPET, Braden Q and Braden scales. For all patients, a skin audit and follow up chart review was conducted using the PPUPET and age appropriate Braden or Braden Q scale. These scores were then compared using a linear regression test and SPSS 19.0 for data analysis. Children on the units ages 18 and under were included in the data. Excluded were patients off the unit, those in the NICU, and those who refused the skin audit. Limitations include having data from only one site when there are several sites involved. The results showed that the PPUPET and Braden Q were more sensitive than the Braden. And, when compared, the PPUPET was more sensitive on audit day than the Braden Q. Nursing implications include finding the most sensitive scale, to provide nurses with a tool to use at the bedside and promote the best patient outcomes.
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