Tutor Perceptions of Their Participation In the CASA Program: Qualitative Data Analysis

Student Author(s)

Megan Farwell

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Patricia Griffin

Document Type


Event Date



The present study collected survey data about tutors’ perceptions of their participation in the CASA program. Leaders in the Children’s After School Achievement (CASA) program sought data to inform and facilitate program improvement. The CASA program provides free after-school tutoring and other programs to benefit school-age, at-risk children. The CASA tutors provide tutoring services voluntarily, without pay. Nearly all of the CASA tutors are students enrolled in the local undergraduate college. Data collection was accomplished through the administration of an anonymous survey, created with input from CASA supervisors. The survey collected both quantitative and qualitative data. This report focuses on the qualitative data analysis, drawn from brief participant responses to ten open-ended questions that followed up initial responses, rated by participants using a Likert scale. Preliminary data analysis was focused by question and analyzed across all respondents to identify consistencies and differences. Major themes included that CASA tutors found benefits for themselves and the CASA students. Tutor benefits included personal growth and enjoyment, relationships with students and improved knowledge and skills for future career and educational endeavors. Student benefits included relationships with tutors and peers, enjoyable interactions and improved behavior, academic achievement, ability to focus and desire to learn. CASA tutors also identified challenges to program participation including the twice-weekly time commitment, concerns about their effectiveness in working with students and frustration with student’s sporadic attendance. Tutors also recommended shortening, revising and differentiating the current Life Skills content of the CASA Program to better meet student’s needs and interests.

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