Faculty Mentor(s)
Professor Priscilla Atkins
Document Type
Event Date
The intent of this project is to provide the Hope College community with an informative compilation of documents and interview testimonies about LGBTQ topics on campus over the years. The local collection of archived reports, nonfiction books, student projects, and newspaper articles covering LGBTQ topics would benefit from a current addition. There is not a readily available resource that references all of these genres of information, as my project intends to do. Such an addition would have a two-fold purpose: first, to refresh the campus’s memory of Hope College's LGBTQ history and, secondly, to record current perspectives on LGBTQ people and realities at Hope.
Recommended Citation
Repository citation: Sauer, Katherine, "Love, Hope, and Listening: An Oral History of LGBTQ Topics and Responses at Hope College" (2014). 13th Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research and Creative Performance (2014). Paper 199.
April 11, 2014. Copyright © 2014 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.
This project was supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholars Program in the Arts & Humanities at Hope College.
The related work "Stuck in the 'Muddled Middle': A Case Study of LGBTQ Issues and Responses at Hope College", Katie Sauer's poster from the previous Celebration, is available to download as an additional file from this page.