Preparation of Gamma-Lactams via a Nickel-Catalyzed Addition of In Situ Generated Diorganozinc Reagents to Imides
Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Jeffrey Johnson
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A range of .-hydroxy-lactams have been prepared from the selective direct addition of in-situ prepared diorganozinc nucleophiles to N-substituted aryl phthalimides with catalytic amounts of Ni(COD)2 and PPh3.
A wide range of substituted phthalimides and diarylzinc nucleophiles varying in electronic character have been prepared by condensation and lithium-halogen exchange reactions respectively. Diarylzinc reagents were added directly to the N-phenyl phthalimide without purification. The preparation of imides and nucleophiles is shown below: (see abstract book for image)
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This research was supported by the Towsley Foundation, the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Inc., and the National Science Foundation.