Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Maureen Dunn

Document Type


Event Date



Resistance training is one of the most important aspects for athletic improvement in every level of athlete. With respect to resistance training, there has been much controversy regarding the effectiveness of different training techniques. Collegiate athletes often have limited time for resistance training. To be successful, athletic programs must maximize effectiveness with the short amount of time available. This study aims to compare the effects of four weeks of pull-up training using Fat Gripz vs. standard Olympic bar training in male colligate athletes. Fat Gripz are removable rubberized bar attachments that increase the standard Olympic bar to over double its thickness. The purpose of this study is to determine whether forearm grip strength and/or upper-body functional strength will differ with training between groups. Each group will perform three sets of pull-ups, three times a week, for four weeks. Each set of pull-ups will be completed to failure with a two minute rest between sets. For both pre and post training measurements, a hand dynamometer will be used to measure grip strength and a one rep-max lat pull down will be used to assess upper body functional strength. We hypothesize that there will be a greater increase in both forearm grip strength and one rep-max lat pull down in the Fat Gripz group compared to the standard group. If the results show greater strength gains for the Fat Gripz group then this training can be recommended to improve performance in athletes.
