The Effect of the Kalamazoo Promise on Kalamazoo Public School Enrollment, Graduation Rate and Kalamazoo Unemployment
Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. John Lunn
Document Type
Event Date
Introduced in 2005, the Kalamazoo Promise is a unique place-based scholarship program that is intended to revitalize the economy of Kalamazoo. Some of the first visible effects of the Promise on the school system should be an increase in enrollment in Kalamazoo Public Schools and an increase in the graduation rate. Further, since the Promise is intended to help the entire city, a preliminary economic outcome should be that the Promise will have an effect in reducing unemployment. This research compares Kalamazoo to 20 other Michigan school districts to determine the effect of the Kalamazoo Promise on enrollment and graduation rate. Regression analysis has found that enrollment and enrollment change in Kalamazoo after the Promise is significantly higher than in other school districts, and that the Promise has had a significant effect on Kalamazoo unemployment. There have not yet been significant impacts on the Kalamazoo graduation rate.
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