"PIXE Analysis of Automobile Paint Layers" by Kiley Spirito

PIXE Analysis of Automobile Paint Layers

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Paul DeYoung, Hope College
Dr. Graham Peaslee, Hope College

Document Type


Publication Date



This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant No. PHY-0969058.


The current process for elemental analysis of multi-layered paint samples is both destructive and very time consuming. The layers must be mechanically separated and then chemically dissolved, destroying the sample in the process. Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) uses a particle accelerator to analyze the composition of a sample based on emitted x-rays. Differential PIXE is a technique used to analyze multi-layered samples without destroying them. Differential PIXE varies the incident beam energy to penetrate into selective layers of the sample, thus only emitting x-rays from the layers that the beam passes through. However, depending on the thickness of the layers, the beam may not penetrate all of the paint layers. The use of a microtome is a semi-destructive method for analysis of the paint layers. Post separation, the layers would be run in PIXE, and no more damage would be done to the sample. The peak-fitting program GeoPIXE allows for analysis of multi-layered samples while accounting for the thickness of the layers, a factor that other programs do not consider. Analysis of the paint layers and perfection of the methods for preparation of the samples is still ongoing.

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