The Effectiveness of the ShakeWeight as a Means of Muscle Strength, Endurance, Hypertrophy and Tone in the Upper Body
Faculty Mentor(s)
Dr. Maureen Dunn, Hope College
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The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the ShakeWeight as a tool to improve muscle hypertrophy and tone compared to a traditional upper body workout. Fifteen previously sedentary participants (8 male, 7 female) were assigned to either the ShakeWeight group (n=7) or the traditional weight-training group (n=8); groups were matched based on gender and strength. The ShakeWeight group trained for 6 minutes at a time, 3 times per week for the six-week period. The traditional weight-training group also trained 3 times per week, for 42 minutes each session, performing two 21 minute circuits composed of exercises that trained the same muscle groups as the ShakeWeight. These included: push-ups, bicep curls, lat pull-downs, sit-ups and triceps curls. Baseline testing for body composition, muscle tone, muscle endurance and muscle strength were performed. Progress testing was performed at the conclusion of the third week and post testing was performed at the end of the 6 week program. Improvements were seen in 1 RM bicep strength (p=.032), 1 RM lat pull down strength (p=0.00), and pushups (p=0.00) for both groups following the 6 week period, with no difference between groups. Other tested areas remained stable for both groups over time. The study confirmed our hypothesis that the ShakeWeight training program produced similar results in muscle strength, tone, endurance and hypertrophy compared to a traditional weight-training program in one-seventh of the time. Results indicate that the ShakeWeight appears to be an effective means of increasing muscle strength, endurance, tone and hypertrophy in sedentary individuals.
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