Student Author(s)

Rebekah Yurschak, Hope College

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Liz Sharda, Sociology & Social Work

Document Type


Event Date



Foster parents face many unique parenting challenges due to their role. Many foster parents feel isolated and may lack close friends who understand their experiences. They face constant change and uncertainty as they navigate the caring of vulnerable children, often with complex needs and in complex situations. The COVID-19 pandemic only exacerbated these feelings of isolation and uncertainty, as well as adding increased stress to the lives of foster parents. The present study explored the experience of stress among foster parents during COVID-19. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 licensed foster parents in one Midwestern state during the summer of 2021. Fifteen participants were female and one participant was male. Fostering experience ranged broadly from less than one year as a foster parent to over 10 years as a foster parent, with some parents only fostering one child and others having fostered six children or more. The interviews were transcribed and coded and the authors conducted thematic analysis to develop themes surrounding the experience of stress for foster parents during the pandemic, specifically what was experienced and how it was experienced. Findings indicated that foster parents were "asked to do more" and faced an increase in role-related tasks. Some of these tasks included helping with school and therapy, supervising visits and parenting time, providing childcare, creating routines, and facilitating any other virtual communication for their children. Foster parents reported that these additional responsibilities caused them to experience increased stress. These findings suggest implications for both research and policy, specifically research on developing evidence-based practices for the virtual delivery of services, as well as developing clear policies around virtual parenting time.


This research was supported by Wichers Fund for Faculty Development.

Title on poster differs from abstract booklet. Poster title: Foster Parent Experiences of Stress during COVID-19
