Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Meagan Elinski, Chemistry

Document Type


Event Date



The prevalence of osteoarthritis, alongside the associated pain and limited mobility, has resulted in numerous treatment strategies including the use of nanoparticles as drug-delivery systems in joints. However, the concerted mechanical-chemical effects from joint sliding in the presence of nanoparticle additives are not well understood. This work aims to understand chemically controlled sliding behavior of a soft material like cartilage in the presence of nanoparticles. To mimic cartilage-like features, well-studied polyacrylamide hydrogels were used as a model platform. Focusing on the interactions between nanoparticles that might be used for drug delivery and the hydrogel surfaces, in situ sliding tests were conducted with the hydrogels immersed in an aqueous solution of nanoparticles, comparing carbon-based, metal oxide, and metal nanoparticles. Surface chemistry was seen to have the strongest influence on friction, relative to nanoparticle concentration, size, or aggregation. This research helps understand mechanochemical relationships, contributing to the development of treatments for osteoarthritis.


This research was supported by the Hope College Chemistry Department, Division of Natural and Applied Sciences, Charles and Kathy Bibart Summer Research Fund and prior awards with the Herbert H. & Grace A. Dow Foundation.

Included in

Chemistry Commons
