Student Author(s)

Jenna McCormick, Hope College

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Aaron Franzen, Sociology & Social Work

Document Type


Event Date



The presence and quality of a role model while a medical student progresses through their graduate level training has a positive impact on their ability to succeed. This is especially applicable when considering a student’s empathy levels and changes in their moral foundations during their education. Though medical school can oftentimes be a more stressful and rigorous environment, research has not yet evaluated whether these findings already begin at the undergraduate level. The data for this study is panel data including pre-health undergraduates and those who at some point were pre-health. This study looks at how mentorship while in undergraduate and empathy are related to the various domains of students’ moral foundations. This will help to expand on the studies conducted with medical student populations and apply them to pre-health students.
