Student Author(s)

Kersten Dekker, Hope College

Faculty Mentor(s)

Dr. Sarah Kornfield, Communication and Women’s & Gender Studies

Document Type


Event Date



The current feminist discourse surrounding female sexuality leaves a lot out of the equation. The reality is that the debate of female sexual choice often results in a dead end, and is far removed from actual women's lives. Drawing on feminist theories of fantasy, submission, sexual scripts, and pornography, I explore the ways in which indulgence in submission impacts women's docility in the real world. Through analysis of feminist literature, research, and various Internet forums, I identify three different theories of submission, and the plausibility of their isolation from oppressive consequences in the public sphere.


Title on poster differs from abstract booklet. Poster title: Submission, Fantasy, & Docility: What if "Sexual Liberation" is a Patriarchal Trap?
