Faculty Mentor(s)

Andrew Bunnel, Physics; Dr. Paul DeYoung, Physics

Document Type


Event Date



We developed a new technique to quantify PFAS (Fluorine) contamination in water using Hope College’s particle accelerator. To do this, we created an ~2000 PPM NaF in water standard and carefully controlled the experimental configuration. We are hoping that careful control of the experimental conditions will yield a consistent 19F gamma-ray count per Coulombs from Proton Induced Gamma-ray Emission (PIGE). 3.4MeV protons have enough energy to exit the particle accelerator, travel 27 mm in air, and penetrate into the liquid standard. As protons lose energy in the liquid, nuclear reactions such as (p, p’gamma) with the 19F and 23Na nuclei create gamma rays. The amount of beam incident on the sample was measured with Rutherford backscattering (fit with SimNRA - simulation nuclear reaction analysis software).


Title on poster differs from abstract booklet. Poster title: Development of a Consistent Proton Induced γ Emission Liquid 19F Standard.

One author's name appears on poster in a different form and spelling than the abstract booklet: Loϊc Rutobana.

Included in

Physics Commons
