Faculty Mentor(s)

Professors Kristen Gray, Brigitte Hamon-Porter, Amy Otis-De Grau, Yolanda Vega and John Yelding

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Female feticide is the termination of a fetus based on gender. Even though this practice may be associated with China and India, it is a global concern. Cultural practices and traditions that value men over women, combined with technological advances allowing for pre-natal identification of gender, may mean more pressure on families to make this choice. The negative implications within society are great. Studies show that men who are unable to find brides, due to gender imbalance, experience higher levels of depression and suicide. Women in these cultures are at an increased risk for sexual victimization such as rape and forced prostitution, or being kidnapped in order to be sold into marriage. Although sex detection tests have been banned in many Asian countries, the problem persists. There are many grass root organizations, as well as IGOs, working to solve problems related to this gender based practice. But for now, female feticide is a problem that occurs everywhere around the world. With new technological advances, underground abortions systems, and cultural preferences for males, millions of females will never be born due solely to their sex.
